The “Italian Football Federation” was established in Turin in 1898; has contributed to making football the most important national sporting phenomenon. The debut in the national team took place in 1910 at the Arena in Milan in the white jersey (Italy-France 6-2); it is not known whether the choice of white was for reasons of economic convenience or if it was in homage to the strongest team of the time, namely Pro Vercelli. The following year, against Hungary, the blue jersey made its first appearance in honor of the color of the standard of the Royal family of Savoy, whose red emblem with a white cross stood out on the blue color.

During the Fascist period, in 1922, the crown and fasces were added to the Savoy coat of arms. With these jerseys, the Azzurri won two world titles (1934 and 1938) and an Olympic gold medal (1936) under the guidance of Vittorio Pozzo.

After the war, football was one of the factors that helped Italy to emerge from the rubble of the war; the tricolor replaced the Savoy coat of arms on the chest of the blue shirts. In 1952 there will be a new change in the tricolor: a box with the words “Italy” in gold is added at the top. After years of disappointment, two beautiful pages of Italian history arrive: the European title won at home (1968) and the second place in the World Cup in Mexico (1970), embellished by the epic semi-final Italy-Germany 4-3; the players wore a minimalist jersey which, perhaps together with that of 1982, is the most printed in the collective imagination as the “jersey” of the national team.

In 1974 another restyling: a rhombus with the tricolor inside, a yellow ball and the name arranged in a circle; in some cases the rhombus lived inside a square in whose corners were the letters of the acronym. In 1982, for the World Cup in Spain, there was a slight change to the Scudetto: the addition of the acronym, written vertically, in the white of the tricolor.

In 1984 a new round logo replaced the traditional scudetto; inside are the three golden stars on a blue field, the words “Italia” and “FIGC” together with the tricolor in a diagonal position. The sweaters change in the material, from the wool of previous years to an acetate and shiny fabric.

In 1992 the Federation launched a competition for a new logo: Patrizia Pataccini’s proposal won with a sort of stylized letter “i”, a synthesis of the word Italia, with the blue dot in the upper left corner; in the upper part there were the three stars on a blue field, in the center on a white field the full denomination of the federation and at the bottom the tricolor, reduced to a minimum since the time of the abandonment of the Savoy shield. In 2000 the tricolor shield returned to the chest, introduced in the 1950s, to which the three stars of the world championships won in the upper part were added for the first time, where the word “Italy” usually found place and without the acronym. The stars appear with the authorization of FIFA which, from the mid-nineties, allowed the federations to wear as many stars on their shirts as the championships they won.

In 2006 the logo changed again to recall the original shield, albeit revised in the light of the evolution of design: a more squared shape with the tricolor on a blue background, a circular FIGC sign positioned on white and the three stars. In 2007, after the conquest of the fourth world title in Germany, the logo underwent a necessary restyling: the addition of the fourth star and the circular sign of the FIGC inscription with larger dimensions so as to stand out in the center of the tricolor.

In 2017 the Football Federation, in order to combine tradition and modernity, boasts a new logo in the shape of a shield above which the four stars of world triumphs are more visible, the pride of the whole country. The word “Italy” stands out on the tricolor above a curved horizon.

In 2021 the FICG only renews its institutional logo alongside that of 2017 which will continue to be used on the national team shirts and to convey the word “Italy” around the world. In fact, in addition to the victories on the field, there was a need to give visibility to the federation itself by making the acronym “FIGC” stand out. This logo will distinguish the initiatives of the federal organization in order to project the Football Association towards the challenges of the future; it was conceived by Independent Ideas, the creative agency of Publicis Groupe, whose president is Lapo Elkann.

To seal a starting point for new chapters in the glorious history of the “Nazionale Azzurra”, in 2023 the FIGC adopted a new logo, created by Independent Ideas (creative agency of Publicis Groupe); this new logo merges into a single vision with the institutional one with a coordinated harmony of lines and elements. The new scudetto is the expression of the feelings and passion of all the Italian fans, so much so that in the launch campaign, the claim devised was precisely #creatodalleemozioni. With the new logo, the sound identity of the national teams was conceived for the first time: signed by “Inarea Identity Design” is a musical system that ranges from the “sound logo” to all the variations envisaged for each touchpoint, including a which will be launched in stadiums before the matches of the national football teams. The complete piece, entitled “Azzurri”, was composed and produced by Enrico Giaretta and Maurizio D’Aniello.